Secrets To Fast Weight Loss You May Not Know

Posted by The Autonomos on Saturday, July 27, 2013 0


Many people want to know the secrets to fast weight loss. There are many ways to lose weight, but they are only secrets if you've never heard of them before! Here are a few of the secrets to fast weight loss you may not know about.



1. Drink two glasses of green tea every day. This will help speed your metabolism, allowing 
 you to burn calories more efficiently.

2. Exercise! You don't have to do cardio or aerobics for an hour per day. Doing just 10-15 minutes with light 8-10 lb weights is extremely effective! This is one of the best kept secrets to fast weight loss.

3. Eat low-fat dairy such as yogurt. Studies have shown that eating yogurt and other dairy products helps slim your waist. It works - I've tried it!

4. Take Omega 3 fish oil. Not only is it excellent for your heart and cholesterol, it also helps your body to metabolize the foods you eat.

5. Take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals. This sounds terrible, but if you can stand the taste it burns up the calories you eat. This is another of the best kept secrets to fast weight loss.

6. Eat small meals, and eat more often. You've probably heard of this one, but it absolutely works. By eating small portions and eating more often, you won't be tempted to pig out and eat too much at meals, because you will not feel that hungry when you eat often.

About the Author

I'm samir from Egypt and have a good information in weight loss niche and be habbpy to share with you :)

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